You can easily play baseball online against people, friends, and AI from all over the world.
世界中の人や友達、AIと簡単に野球のオンライン対戦ができます。 いつでもどこでも遊べる野球ゲームの登場!最強チームでリーグ優勝してチーム日本一になろう! 甲子園高校優勝チーム社会人野球優勝チーム草野球代表チームプリズン代表チームの中から1チームを選んでリーグ優勝を目指そう! ◆説明バッターはボールに合わせて画面(どこでも)タップして打ってください。ピッチャーは球種(ストレート、フォーク、カーブ等)を決めて、投げたいところをタップして投げてください。 ホームランと三振を取りまくってチームを勝利へ導こう!! ※課金は購入時のみ。アプリ内課金も広告表示も一切ありません。You can easily play baseball online against people, friends, and AI from all over the world.Introducing a baseball game that you can play anytime, anywhere!Win the league with the strongest team and become the best team in Japan!Koshien High School Championship TeamProfessional baseball championship teamGrass baseball national teamPrison national teamChoose one team from the list and aim for the league victory!◆ ExplanationFor the batter, tap the screen (anywhere) according to the ball and hit it.For the pitcher, decide the type of ball (straight, fork, curve, etc.) and tap the place you want to throw.Lets lead the team to victory by surrounding home runs and strikeouts! !!* Billing is only at the time of purchase. There is no in-app purchase or ad display.Bug fix